After my first fairy book - Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston - I was suddenly in the market for more. It turns out that Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr is a much more popular one than Livingston's. However, I've heard mixed reviews for it... you know the usual good, bad, good, bad. Somebody also went on to say that Wondrous Strange is everything they had hoped Wicked Lovely to be. So yes, I was on the fence about it. But I was going to be on an 8 hour flight to Abu Dhabi, and I decided that whatever book I could get my hands on, you know, just buy it. Better be safe than sorry. And I'm going on record to say that boy am I glad I'd decided to buy it.

That being said, I do have some complaints.
With Wondrous Strange... I hated the beginning but ended up loving the ending. It was so climatic. With Wicked Lovely... I loved the beginning but didn't really care for the ending. Yes, I love Aislinn, but towards the end, she did get a bit irritating. Everything was wrapped up too nicely for my liking. And there was a nice twist there in the end - something to do with the Winter Court, don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it -, but then it was solved so easily. A big turn-off.
I still love the book as a whole though. Even though the destination wasn't all that great, the ride getting there was worth it. So this begs the question, will I continue reading the series?
Lots of people say that the first book was good - I agree - but the rest are really not worth reading. I still have plenty of books to read right now anyway, so... I'll think about it and we'll see. Good news is that it looks like a movie is in the works for Wicked Lovely.
I'll be the first in line.
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