What introduction should I give this to this post? Hmm, Edward Cullen's stunt double speaks? Rob, Kristen ... blablabla. Moving on, an interview with Pattinson's stunt double has been posted on WWEEK.COM. Do you want to see what he looks like? Here it is:

The first week, it was kind of awkward. I felt like I had gotten to know her a little. But we were sitting together at lunch one day, just talking, and I said “Hey Kristen, how is filming going?” She blew up at me. “Preston! Don’t ask me how filming is going! I hate when people ask me that!” I got upset. Like, ‘oh sorry you’re the fucking star of the movie Kristen, my bad for asking you how it was going.’
HAHAHA. If you're interested to read more, head over HERE for more. In this particular photo, I reckon the stunt double, Preston Johnson, looks much better than Pattinson. Maybe the angle is not doing today's most popular vampire justice. But I never thought Rob was like ... really good looking or anything. I loved him as Cedric Diggory on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I guess that's about it.
[Disclaimer: Foh shizzle, the pic ain't mine!]
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