There are many things that I hate about Miley Cyrus. To name one, I've lost even more respect for her, if that's even possible, when she dissed Twilight (not that I'm a rabid fan or anything, but I really hated her guts when she spoke about it). It's not about the fact that she hates Twilight (I doubt she really does, anyway), it's the fact that she can't take the fact that there are things that are bigger and more popular than she is. She speaks like she's so mature and that she knows everything. Heavens, I wanted to slap her face silly when I saw her interview where she stated that Twilight is a cult; her tone, her face, her attitude.. ARGH! But one thing I can't hate from her is her music. Yeah I know, hit me now.

I'm sorry, but it's so catchy! I really can't help it. I'm drawn to these kind of fun music; the type that you can dance and jump around to in your bedroom. When she starts putting out horrible, techno music, that'll be day when there will no more be Miley Cyrus posts on Clickcliqueonline.< Till then, bear with me guys.
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