Sunday, October 25, 2009

Katy Perry's 25th Birthday Party; Wonka Style

Oompa Loompa

Katy Perry celebrated her 25th birthday party last night at Sunset Beach with a "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" theme. All the guests were also required to wear white outfits. In attendance at the party was boyfriend Russell Brand, the gorgeous Taylor Swift, Julianne Hough and Perez Hilton.

Apparently this party was a huge hit. The pictures do show that a fun time was had by all. Late last night, Taylor Swift tweeted, "@Katyperry knows how to throw a birthday party! I would even go as far as to say it was party-licious. Best EVER. Happy bday, pretty girl!!". I believe whatever Taylor Swift says. If she says that this party was partylicious, then it most definitely was! After the click check out some more photos from Katy Perry's awesome birthday party.

Well there you go guys, an idea for your next birthday party. Happy Birthday Katy Perry! XOXO.

[disclaimer: I do not own the photos!]


  1. i like her dress..happy birthday katty :)

  2. buy a plain white dress and we'll have a painting party too dhe! X)

  3. Amazing! It would have been a good one for sure. Sometimes I wonder what these celebrities actually do on their birthdays. I hope I get to see one someday. I have booked a nice LA venue for my friend’s surprise birthday party and I am planning to have it in a celebrity style.
